Friday, April 08, 2005

Drip, Drip, Drip. . .

Has anyone else ever noticed that it's only the little things that get on their nerves? I was sitting in English class today when one of my classmates began rhythmically bouncing a ball on his desk. I tried and tried to ignore it and finally caved in and began flashing him dirty looks. The problem was taken care of by one of my friends, who threw a pencil at him, forcing him to stop.
Now, had the offending student spent the entire hour singing "Yankee Doodle", I would have found it amusing. Humming would even be permissible. But bouncing a ball? Annoying as hell. Why? I have no clue. It's funny, though, how those little things can get to you. I am fairly easily annoyed by things like tapping of pens or people who snap their gum. However, if I am doing these things they are perfectly fine. Why would I be doing something that annoyed myself?!
But such is the world, filled with people who inadvertently drive me insane. Apparently I am doomed to a life of solitude. . . maybe I should become a Tibetian monk -- I just hope the roof of my hut isn't leaky!


Blogger FinalSin said...

It's always the little things...

1:27 PM  
Blogger Prometheus said...

The devil is in the details I suppose.

Look after the cents and the dollars take care of themselves.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Odd how there is an ancient and persistant realisation in the human psyche that all is ordered from a preexisting foundation.

Is this a reflection of an underlying logical thought process?

How, then, do we go from this premise of everything being made up smaller components; to the existence of a god?

5:56 PM  

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